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The Fidgety Itch
Written by Lucy Davey
Illustrated by Katz Cowley
Scholastic NZ Ltd. (2010)
ISBN 978-1-86943-967-5
“…'Twas only a niggle…
the teensiest titch…
but that fidgety feeling grew to an ITCH!
"Oh!" cried Tiny Timpkin.
"I've got an itch, a terrible twitch
that naggles and niggles
like fleas with giggles!
It's really a frightfully, feverish patch…
Oh, PLEASE could somebody give me a scratch?" ”

When you have an itch that you just can't scratch, it's great to have somebody else to do it for you. But what do you do when you're last in the scratching queue?
Join Tiny Timpkin, Fuzzy O'Hare and friends, as they try to solve this terribly tickly, naggly-niggly, itchy-twitchy problem!
A fabulous version of The Fidgety Itch was produced by CBeebies Storytime, read by Toni Pearon.
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